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Caveau des Demoiselles

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The Bugey Wines
In 270, Probus grants the right to make wine in Gaul, so we find vineyards in the Bugey at that time. Two varieties, the Mondeuse and the Altesse, were already very popular. Indeed, Pliny the Elder appreciated particularly the Mondeuse. Then, this variety spread to Rome. As for the Altesse, it came from the island of Cyprius. A legend says that Louis II of Savoy imported it to seduce his future wife. This wine would have, actually, been introduced in the region following the crusades of the twelfth century.

In the Middle Ages, the monks developed the cultivation of vines on their territories and abbeys. The expansion was remarkable for wine growing as much as agriculture.

In 1789, the Church property are sold, the Bugey vineyard was fragmented.

Less than a century later, the vines are heavily affected by the attack of phylloxera, some of them are abandoned.

It was in 1955 that the Union of Bugey Wines is created, it accompanies the wine growers of the region in their work and promote their products.

In 1958, the wines of Bugey get the appellation of origin wine of superior quality.

In 2009, the wines of Bugey get the AOC designation, it is the last vineyard to obtain this certification.

Currently, the 500 hectares of vineyards are located accross three main areas of production: the sector of Cerdon, of Montagnieu and of Belley. The Bugey vineyard permits an average harvest of 30 000 hectoliters per year. Consumption remains very local and regional, only 5% of sold bottles are destined for export.
Moreover, selling at the property is particularly developed. The winemaker of the Bugey is welcoming.

Our Village
When he arrives in the Bugey area, the traveller has the pleasure to discover a warm and secret region. Alongside the remarkable panorama of the Alps, he can see the ranks of a little-known vineyard. The semi-continental climate favors the cultivation of the vine in this region of the foothills of the Jura.

Our vineyards are located near our winery in the village of Andert-Condon. This small village of Bugey is just over 300 residents.

The vineyards are already present in the fifteenth century on the site of the lordship of Andert. There is a deep wine tradition here.

A river goes through our village : the Furans. It is surrounded by excellent hillsides. Our vineyard, situated in this sector, is about 3 hectares. With low altitude, it is a land with beautiful exhibits, very sunny slopes on clay-limestone  terrain quite stony.

SAS CAVEAU DES DEMOISELLES - Vins du Bugey 289 rue de la Chapelle ANDERT 01300 ANDERT CONDON - Phone 0611434165

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